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供应 海韵牌 BT-6023型 水泥灌浆料
产品: 浏览次数:651供应 海韵牌 BT-6023型 水泥灌浆料 
品牌: 海韵牌
产地: 河北定州
品牌: 海韵牌
单价: 2800.00元/吨
供货总量: 500 吨
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-07-26 00:06
产地 河北定州
品牌 海韵牌
型号 BT-6023

海韵牌BT-6023型水泥灌浆料Chaton brand BT-6023 type cement grout material执行标准:JC476-2001、GB8076-1997Execution standard: JC476-2001, GB8076-1997一、用途:Application:  由膨胀、减水组分配制而成,适用于-10℃至40℃气温下施工。用于后张法预应力管道压力灌注水泥净浆。  By expanding, decrease water group FenPeiZhi and become, suitable for -10℃ to 40℃ temperature under construction. Used for the prestressed pipe pressure grouting method of zhang cement net pulp. 二、执行标准:JC476-2001、GB8076-1997Second, executive standard: JC476-2001, GB8076-1997 三、用量与用法Three, dosage and usage
 四、贮运及包装:Four, shipping and packing:1、内衬塑料袋外套编织袋。2、贮运中注意防潮,防破损。1, with inner plastic bags coat packaging.2, notice moistureproof, prevent shipping damage. 五、压浆:Five, the grouting:  压浆的目的是使预应力筋与混凝土结成整体。要求在张拉工作完毕后应尽快压浆,以防预应力筋在孔道内因潮湿生锈而降低强度。压浆之前要将夹片、锚环之间的空隙用水泥浆封实,水泥浆达到强度后即可进行封锚。  Grouting is designed to make prestressed reinforcement and concrete form the whole. Requirements in drawing work as soon as possible after the completion of the grouting, in case the tendons at porelike internal damp rust and lower strength. Grouting before will clip slice, anchor ring the space between the water slurry seal reality, mud to strength can be carried out after sealing anchor.(1)水灰比的确定:压浆前首要工作是清孔,即用高压水冲洗孔道,使之充分湿润,以利压浆。压浆所用水泥全部采用42.5级普硅水泥(出厂期不宜超过20d)。规范规定水灰比范围为0.36±0.02,而在实际施工中若按此水灰比进行拌制,则灰浆过于稀薄且泌水率也较大,超过规范规定的4%。这样灰浆泌水后收缩产生间隙,孔道不能被填满,使之与混凝土不能有效地连成整体,从而影响共同承载能力。为了保证施工质量,工地经过反复试配得到的灰浆稠度在14~18s,符合规范要求并且得到确认。(1) water-cement ratio of determining pressure grouting before the first work is to clean the hole, use high pressure water washing passageways, make full moisture, eli grouting. Grouting cement used all adopt 42.5 grade silicon cement (doppler factory period is unfavorable exceed 20d). Rules and regulations water-cement ratio scope for 0.36±0.02, but in actual construction if press this water-cement ratio for mixing, the mortar too thin and secrete water rate is larger also, more than 4% of rules and regulations. This mortar secrete after water contraction produce clearance, porelike cannot be filled in, what make with concrete cannot effectively by overall, thereby affecting the common carrying capacity. In order to ensure the quality of construction site after repeated test match get mortar in 14~18s consistence, specification and /confirm/ied.(2)灰浆的拌制及压浆顺序:灰浆的拌制量受时间限制,一次拌制量不宜过多,要求随拌随用,一般间隔时间以不超过40min为宜。在压注过程中要不断搅动,防止因其沉淀、结块而堵塞真空泵,影响压浆质量。压浆要缓慢、均匀连续进行,压浆顺序由低至高。25m梁每片梁断面均有4个孔道分上、下2层,孔道成曲线布置,两端高中间低。压浆时为了更有效地排气和泌水,先由下层孔道开始注浆而后再上层孔道。制取边长为70.7mm的立方体试块28d的抗压强度均超过30MPa,符合设计要求。(2) the mortar mixing and grouting sequence: mortar mixing amount of time limitation, once the mixing quantity with unfavorable and overmuch, requirements, general with stir over time interval with no more than 40min advisable. In injecting process to stir, prevent because its precipitation, agglomerate and jam vacuum pump, affects the grouting quality. Grouting be slow, uniform continued, grouting order from low to high. 25m bimorph beam each section are four porelike points on, under 2 layer, decorate, KongDaoCheng curve ends high among low. Grouting to more effectively exhaust and secrete water, first from the lower porelike began again. Upper porelike grouting and then Preparation of side ranks lowest with 70.7 mm cube test-components 28d compressive strength exceeded 30MPa, comply with the design requirements.(3)提高压浆质量的措施:出浆口有灰浆逸出时,为使孔道内灰浆密实应关闭出浆口,并保持0.7MPa的一个稳压期,时间不少于3min。出浆口的关闭要根据水泥浆的浑浊程度确定,初始出浆口往外逸的是清水,继而是混杂的浆水**是灰浆。待出浆口逸出的全部是灰浆时再用木塞将出浆口堵住,加压3min直至出现泌水。泌水应在24h内被灰浆全部吸收。压浆设备性能的好环对压浆质量有很大的影响。输浆管长度不宜过长。长度超过30m时,压力相应提高,则对设备的性能提出更高要求,加大了投入。灰浆稠度不能过稀也不能过稠,过稀则孔道填不饱满,过稠则真空泵吸管容易被堵塞。灰浆的稠度宜控制在14~18s。气温对压浆质量影响很大。压浆时气温不宜过高,也不能低于5℃,当气温高于35℃时,压浆应在夜间进行。张拉、压浆结束后即可进行封锚作业。封锚时需将锚具及梁体预留钢筋有机地结成整体,确保预应力梁的整体质量,同时加强养护工作。(3) improve grouting quality measures: pulp out mouth have mortar escaping, to make porelike close-grained should shut inside mortar mouth, and maintain pulp out of a voltage 0.7 MPa, not less than 3min time period. The closure of the pulp out mouth according to the slurry turbidity degree determine, initial pulp out to escape the mouth is water, then is mixed slurry water, and finally the mortar. Stay out pulp mouth escaping are all mortars reoccupy cork will pulp out mouth, until 3min blocking pressurized appear secrete water. Secrete water should be within 24h by mortar thoroughly absorbed. Grouting equipment performance of good rings on grouting quality has very big effect. Lose grouting pipe length shoulds not be too long. Length exceeds as, pressure rise accordingly, on equipment performance is put forward higher request, increase the investment. Mortar consistence cannot pass thin also cannot too thick, thin is porelike fill not the full, too thick is vacuum pump straws easily be blocked. Mortar of viscosity should be controlled between 14~18s. The temperature of grouting quality influence. Grouting when the temperature is unfavorable and exorbitant, no less than 5℃, when temperatures above 35℃, grouting should be performed at night. Tension and pressure grouting after sealing anchor operation can be carried out. Sealing anchor to will the anchorage and beam body obligate form whole, reinforced organic ground to ensure the overall quality of the prestressed beams, and strengthen maintenance work.
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