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首页 > 供应产品 > 供应 海韵牌 BT-6004 特快型超高强微膨胀灌浆料
供应 海韵牌 BT-6004 特快型超高强微膨胀灌浆料
产品: 浏览次数:775供应 海韵牌 BT-6004 特快型超高强微膨胀灌浆料 
品牌: 海韵牌
产地: 其它
品牌: 海韵牌
单价: 9800.00元/吨
供货总量: 500 吨
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-07-26 00:30
产地 其它
品牌 海韵牌
型号 BT-6004

海韵牌BT-6004特快型超高强微膨胀灌浆料Chaton brand BT-6004 express type super-high strength micro expansion grouting material检验标准:YB/T9261-98灌浆材料行业标准inspection standards: YB/T9261-98 grouting material industry standard 产品介绍Product introduction  海韵牌BT-6004特快型超高强微膨胀灌浆料,是在海韵牌BT-6003型基础上进一步改进的新产品。与海韵牌BT-6003型快硬高强微膨胀灌浆料相比具有半天强度更高的特点,主要用于快速抢修或更换设备的基础灌浆。灌浆成型后,12小时可试开机生产。创造极大的经济效益。  Chaton brand BT-6004 express type super-high strength micro expansion grouting material, is in chaton brand BT - 6003 type basis of further improvement of new products. With chaton brand BT-6003 type fast GaoJiangWei expansion grouting material hard compared with half the characteristics of higher intensity, mainly for the fast repair or replacement equipment based grouting. Grouting forming, 12 hours can try boot production. Create great economic benefits. 技术特点Technical characteristics 旱强、高强 海韵牌BT-6004特快型超高强微膨胀灌浆料**强度可达50MPa以上,设备安装完毕后12小时可运行生产。  Drought strong, high-strength chaton brand BT-6004 express type super-high strength micro expansion grouting material day intensity can reach 50MPa above, equipment installation ends after 12 hours can run production.自流态 现场只需加水搅拌后,即可进行施工,不需振捣便可充填全部间隙。  Their only after water mixing modal on-site construction, and then, do not need to vibration can be filling all clearance.  微膨胀 以保证灌浆料与基础紧密接触。  Micro expansion to ensure grouting materials and basic close contact.耐久性 200万次疲劳实验,50次冻融循环试验,强度无明显变化。  Durability 200 million times fatigue experiments, 50 times freeze-thaw cycles test, intensity is no change.抗油渗 在机油中浸泡30天后其强度比浸油前提高10%以上。  Of oil and permeability in oil soak 30 days before its strength than immersed increase by 10%. 施工技术与方法The construction technology and method  BT-6004灌浆料的施工不仅应符合本施工技术方法的规定,尚应符合现行《混凝土结构工程施工及验收规范》(GB50204)、《混凝土结构设计规范》(GBJ10)、《混凝土结构加固技术规范》(CECS25)及《水泥基灌浆材料施工技术规程》(YB/T9261-98)中的有关规定。  BT-6004 grouting material construction should not only conforms to the construction technology and methods, there should be in line with the provisions of the existing concrete structure engineering construction and acceptance of rules "(GB50204), the design specification for concrete structures" (GBJ10), the concrete inforcement technical specification (CECS25) and the cement base grouting material construction technical regulation (YB/T9261-98) the relevant provisions. 附录B 锚固地脚螺栓施工工艺The appendix B anchor bolts construction craft 清除螺栓表面油污及铁锈↓清理孔→清除孔内积水→调整及固定插入螺栓→浇注→养护→安装设备↑配制灌浆料   灌浆方式分为:自重法灌浆、高位漏斗法灌浆、压力法灌浆、轨道基础灌浆  Grouting way is divided into: weight method grouting and high pressure grouting and funnel method, rail base grouting method grouting
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